In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7 KJV
The American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton and a circle of her acquaintances in Washington, DC on May 21, 1881.
They had been tasked by the federal government to provide services to members of the American armed forces and their families. To provide disaster relief in the United States, as well as, around the world.
It was created for the purpose of Humanitarian Aid.
This nationwide civilian blood program began in the 1940’s.
It is dependent upon people giving of their time, blood, or a financial contribution to make a difference when it comes to helping with the lives of others.
This is a loving sacrifice that we all can provide. But it does not compare to the sacrifice the Lord made for us.
He made the ultimate “Loving Sacrifice” when He shed his blood for us and died on the cross. A sacrifice that paid for the redemption of us all.
The Lord’s sacrifice paved the way for God to show us the purpose He had for our lives, the grace He would give us and the beloved favor in store for us, even before we received Him.
Unlike the sacrifice we go through when donating blood, the Lord endured much more.
The donation of blood is done on a daily basis. We have to lay comfortably on a cot, have a beverage and relax while our blood is being drawn. Blood that can potentially save the lives of three people.
The process the Lord went through was very different and not comfortable in any way.
He shed His blood on many occasions for us. His sweat turned to blood as He prayed in misery and pain (Luke 22:44); when He was beaten with a whip before being turned over to be crucified (Matthew 27:26). These were only a couple of His donations to save us. He made the ultimate sacrificial donation when He carried the cross on which He was crucified (John 19:17). They put nails in His hands and feet. A crown of thorns on His head. Even after Jesus had died, they pierced Him in His side and out came blood and water (John 19:34).
Mans donation of blood is generous and appreciated but it can not compare to the greatest donation ever given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His donation has saved far more lives than we could ever imagine and is a donation that will never run out.
He truly gave His life for our life.
A Word of Prayer:
Lord we could never be the donor like you have been in our lives. We can only thank you for the sacrifice you made, vow to live according to your Word and constantly remind ourselves that if it had not been for your loving sacrifice we would have no idea what this world would truly be like. We give You all the honor and praise. In Jesus Name, Amen
The finite mind of man just cannot comprehend the awesome sacrifice Jesus made available to one and all to blot out our sins. I believe that is where the Holy Spirit’s leading brings one to accept the cross on blind faith.