Psalms 69:34 KJV
It’s wonderful and amazing to see the blue sky, the brightness of the sun, the calm waters of the sea, the beautiful gardens, with all their colorful flowers and greenery, the moon in its fullness at night, the earth filled with love and kindness, but mostly to think about how beautiful heaven will be when we get there.
We will all go through our rough times. Times when the sky won’t be blue, the sun will be blocked by clouds (some light, some dark), seas will be raging, gardens withering, the moon dimmed by clouds and the earth filled with hate and confusion.
The only thing that doesn’t change, which is our reason we praise God all the more, is heaven.
Just like David, we will have days when we will be looking back over some things in our lives. Days when praises will go up for all He has done for us. Days when we will be discussing the ups and downs we faced or are facing in this journey called life.
Just like heaven, the fact that He will always be there to bring us through.
He has always been there for us and made it possible for us to realize we can make if we put our trust in Him. He is always there.
A reason for us to give Him all the praise and glorify His name.
We must continue to humble ourselves and pray, thanking Him for all of our blessings.
Dear God, thank you for the beautiful things in our lives. Thank you for the situations we have gone through and learned more of your goodness and mercies. As Your seed we vow to live according to your Word and praise you forevermore and in the end, dwell in heaven with You, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, the host of angels, and all the saints of God. Our heavenly reunion.
In Jesus Name, Amen