This is Why Sorrow Can Actually Bring Wonderful Comfort

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18

Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:18 KJV

Everyday someone exhibits sorrow for someone they have lost.

It is a part of life.

A natural emotion regarding the loss of anyone we have come to know and love.

We take comfort in knowing our relationships were filled with joy.

For those who know the Lord there is an even greater comfort.

There will always be blessings that come in knowing when a loved one has passed, that the Lord is there to comfort us.

He always comforts us in a distinct way.

One that the world does not know about.

It is one that reinforces the hope we find in the Word.

First Thessalonians 4 gives us a needed reminder regarding our need for hope and the coming again of Christ.

We all know there is an appointed time for each of us to be called home.

That there is a Word regarding the resurrection and the second coming of Christ.

Both should be a comfort against the fear of death and the sorrow of the death of our loved ones.

Even in John 14:3 KJV, the Apostle Paul has told us about the return of Jesus, as He promised, and how we will join with those who have gone on before.

Our hope is found when we remember that as children of God, we are not saying goodbye for the last time.

That is why the Apostle Paul has also told us, “Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:18 KJV).

In the end we will see each other again.

Together we will all live with Christ forever.

Living happily with Him.

Seeing Him and enjoying Him forever.

In Christ, there are no “goodbyes,” only “see you later.”


Father, we know that the death of a loved one can put us in a valley. One that is filled with sorrow. Our nights seem dark. Those are the times we must remember that at some point in time we will see them again. That You are with us as a Comforter. The One who reassures us that we will see them in the heavenly place You have prepared for all who believe. May we always remember that You are faithful to Your Word, and it will come to pass.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen