His Remarkable Goodness: This is What Actually Inspires Repentance

Read: Romans 2:1-17

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? Romans 2:4 KJV

We all face many situations in life.

Times when we have feared about the saving of a loved one.

Times when strength was needed when a family member was sick.

Just the sheer thoughts of how we would make it through anything we face in life.

Ones that can test our faith.

But there is still hope for those who have yet to receive Christ and for those who need to be reminded of His goodness.

Lives have been changed because someone kept the faith and courage to tell someone about Jesus.

The testimonies that we give or hear help all of us realize our need to give our lives to Him.

Showing how our heartfelt conviction of sin led us to believe all the more in His grace.

That by turning away from the sinful way of life and all our unbelief, there was a great change.

One that turned us towards a God-honoring way of life.

One that continues to lead to a change in our ways of thinking.

How we look at things concerning our lives.

We change the desires of our hearts, look to the Lord for guidance, and receive our blessings.

Daily we need to acknowledge God’s goodness towards each of us.

We all have our moments when we need to admit our need for forgiveness through the Savior.

Faith in Him is the foundation upon which our sincere and meaningful repentance must be built.

He is our saving grace.


Father, we know that we all need to be reminded that Your judgement will be according to our real character. That for every sin there is a disregard of the Your goodness being shown to us. We are thankful that with this goodness, we have a chance to change our sinful hearts. To choose to do good. Thank You for Your unchanging love towards us.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen