Tempting Invitation: This One Always Great When Really Accepted

Read: John 1:35-42

[Andrew] first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. John 1:41 KJV

“Seeing is believing.”

A term we have all heard.

We all know for many they need to see something before they can believe it to be true.

People are influenced and motivated by deeply held beliefs and values.

Personal testimonies always have great meaning.

They are word-of-mouth recommendations.

Testimonies will always have an impact on those who are trying to decide what they want to do.

Today in the Book of John, we read about Andrew.

He had a brother, whose name was Simon.

Because of Andrew’s personal encounter with the Savior, it prompted him to find and take his brother to meet Him (v.42 KJV).

He found him “and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ” (John 1:41 KJV).

He had hopes that the meeting would encourage him.

Hoping he would seek the favor of God and eternal life.

It is the Lord’s desire that we all seek the favor of God and eternal life.

He knows the difference it can make in our lives.

That its s the only way to live life abundantly.

The invitation is always open for us to come without delay.

That is why He is encouraging us to be witnesses to others.

To encourage those who have gone astray to come back home.

To tell them what the Father says about their lost condition.

How to acknowledge their need for the Savior in their lives.

There will always be someone who needs to know Him.

That “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2 KJV).

It is not too late.

Do not give up on telling someone about the Lord.

About how rewarding it is to follow Him.

Until He calls us home, we still have an opportunity to witness.

Place it in your heart to do as Andrew did.

That way we never forget that we are Christ’s “letter of recommendation” to a lost world.

That our testimonies mean a lot to someone who is trying to decide if they will follow Him.

If they will put all their trust in Him.

Our recommendation may be the one thing that truly makes them feel that the Lord is really on their side.


Father, it is our desire that when we witness it is well received. That those we are speaking with understand the need for Christ to be in their lives. How we all have a need to know Him and what He can do in our lives. We pray that our personal recommendations shows them that we all must make the ultimate decision to trust Him. To let Him take the lead in our lives. Following Him every step of the way. Let our living be great recommendations to those around us.

In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen