Your Book

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  Revelation 20:15 KJV

The world is full of people who pretend to be someone else in order to deceive others or partake in things that are fraudulent. Never changing their ways.

All of us have had moments, be it in thought or deed, that was not according to the Word.

Things we need to be mindful of because, anything we do in life is being recorded, in a book, by the Lord. 

A Bible of our lives, so to speak.

He has a book of remembrance of the bad we have done; all our past actions. 

Things we have long since forgotten about.

Things that can condemn us, causing us to be cast into the lake of fire.

Thank goodness there is another book, if we truly live according to the Word, which represents the Lord’s knowledge of us, that declares to the Father of our repentance, faith, and good works.

That declares the blessings of the new covenant we obtained when we repented of our sins, trusted, believed and continued to follow Him and live according to the Word.

The Bible of our lives that affords us the ability to be written in the book of life, not damnation.

The book of life we should all be striving to write.


Lord, let us remember that God will be the judge of each of us according to the gospel. That we should all be striving to make sure our Bibles of life justifies us and not condemn us. Remembering that nothing is done in secret, all will be revealed. We do not want this revelation to cause us to be cast into the lake of fire but dwell with You forevermore.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen