I was looking at one of the many inspirational readings I have and it reminded me that “Even God took a day off.”
That God did not rest as one weary, but as one well pleased.
A fundamental truth that started in Genesis and runs throughout the Bible.
Think about this.
In the Old Testament, Israel was commanded to honor the seventh day by not doing any work. That the Sabbath was to be a day of recovery as well as a day of sacrifice and worship.
In the New Testament, Jesus led His disciples to a quiet place after a long day of preaching, so they could rest.
To God’s honor, we are to observe one day in seven as a day of holy rest and holy work.
We all need to adjust our calendars, slow down and rest.
The Bible tells us to, and our bodies and emotions need it.
Lord, we will strive to solemnly observe one day in seven as a day of holy rest and holy work, now and for generations to come. Celebrating the rest of God the Son, and the work of our redemption. In Your plan, we find relief.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen