We can all take pride in the things we have accomplished in life. It is when we take excessive pride in ourselves that the problems occur.
We make it easy for people or things to get us off-track and head in the wrong directions.
An inherited trait brought about when the devil tricked Adam and Eve into putting more emphasis on themselves, instead of remembering what God had told them.
We all have a place in life, but Jesus should be the main thing in our lives.
John is an example of letting Jesus increase in his life and not letting anything get in his way. He showed us how we should be satisfied with our status and the work assigned to us, and not caught up in things that don’t appeal to God.
He knew that Jesus was the Son of God, who would increase in honor, the effect He would have on our behavior, the relationship we would have with Him and the never ending peace we would have in Him.
We would have all of this because we let Him increase in our lives and no longer let our ways, people or things hinder us.
God, we are saved because of Your grace, love and mercy. Because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Let us defeat all the things that keep us from letting You increase in our lives and the ability to give You all the glory and honor, forevermore.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen