As parents, we have taken our child or children to a park to ride on the swings, play on the bouncy horses, play on the seesaw, slide on the slide or whatever other playground toys were there.
Depending on how familiar or comfortable the child was with these toys determined if they would play on it. Some were scared.
That’s when you stepped in and told them to trust you and that you would be there to help them and not to worry.
That’s what the Lord has told us. Trust Him!
We all get scared and don’t know which way to go, who to call, or who to trust. Not sure why the position you wanted didn’t come through. Not sure how you are to going to pay bills. Wondering what is happening with your loved one. There are so many situations.
That’s when we need to be obedient and faithfully believe in the Word. Acknowledge the Lord and let Him direct you.
Doing this makes trust comes naturally. You won’t have to entertain doubts and fears.
God keeps His promises. He will not let you fall.
Trust in the Lord and receive the blessings He has in store for you.
Lord, we thank you for leading and guiding us when we are weak, lost, scared and can’t find our way. We are trusting in You Lord and striving to not lean on our own understanding of things. We are acknowledging you as the director of our paths.
In Jesus Name, Amen