The Lord’s Grace is never ending.
His grace never ends despite our sins. Never ends even though we keep running from His Word. Never ends even though we are tangled up in worldly things, lies, deception, or greed. Even our self denial, our understanding that we are responsible for our actions, does not end His grace towards us.
Life has a way of causing us to doubt that we will get better and that the things in our lives will change.
We can change our brokenness, to see it as a reminder that the Lord is fully aware of our human nature. He is not a stranger to it.
That is why He has compassion towards us, desires for us to recognize His Word is true and to turn our lives over to Him.
Because the Lord is with us, all the things we go through actually increases our faith in God, keeps us from remaining broken, from going in the wrong direction and makes our lives even better.
Better because we now know how to handle those things that try to break us. We pray more and seek Him more for guidance on the right directions we should take.
He is always making us whole again.
Because of His grace we will break through all of life’s obstructions, and prove victorious in the end.
Thank you Lord for your everlasting grace. For loving us even when we get off track. For letting us come to you in our brokenness and making us whole. We are nothing without you Lord.
In Jesus Name we pray, Amen