Keep Jealousy Defeated: Tremendous Faith is the Best Way

Today’s Reading: Psalms 37:2-8

Today’s Verse: Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:5 KJV

Comparisons. We make them throughout our lives.

They may begin with a small comparison between our lives and the lives of others.

But it can quickly change to one that is a mess.

Jealousy begins to raise its ugly head.

We know the consequences of jealousy can be devastating.

Confusion, anxiety, and feelings of disappointment can happen.

Causing much distress and grief.

An envious heart makes it impossible to keep God’s plans for our lives in view.

All because we are focusing on what someone else has and we wish we had.

A focus that takes us down a path of negative emotions.

Ones that can hinder our thinking.

Our behavior leaves a lot to be desired.

Our relationships can be broken.

Bust most of all, it will always destroy or dishonor our relationship with the Savior.

It shows that we have forgotten about the beautiful plan He has for each of us.

Almost like we are telling Him that we deserve more than He has provided.

That because of this, we no longer trust that He will really give us His best.

If we find any evidence of this in our lives, confess it.

Seeing the need to focus on what the Father has for our lives.

Thanking Him for blessing others

Then focusing our attention on what the Father is doing in our personal lives.

David was persuaded to patience and confidence in God.

How he acknowledged the state of the godly and of the wicked.

The difference it made in his life.

Read Psalms 37:4-6 KJV.

The Word is always our source of inspiration.

It gives us the wisdom and strength we need.

We all should meditate on it daily.

Memorizing the ones that have great meaning to our lives.

They will always be great reminders of how we should live.

Outward prosperity is fading fast.

Giving us no reason to envy what someone else has.

We must continue to look forward with an eye of faith.

It gives us the strength to remain focused.

A life free from jealousy comes from believing and trusting in the Lord,

The desire of the heart of a believer is to know, love and serve God.

Casting all our burden to Him.

Committing our way to Him.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1 KJV).

In Him is where our faith lies.

Let us “Commit [our ways] unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalms 37:5 KJV).

His promises are sweet.

He will bring to pass everything that is meant for our lives.


Father, when we are burdened with jealousy, we miss out on Your best. Let us not wait to deal with this sin. It will only continue to grow the more we leave it unattended. You have created and designed a good plan for our lives. Making it where we are able to conquer jealousy in our hearts. Your promises are sweet and will always come to pass. Thank You for always being there for us.

In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen