On Time: This is Definitely Always His Wonderful Way

Today’s Reading: Galatians 4:1-7 / Luke 2:25-38

Today’s Verse: But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. Galatians 4:4 KJV

It is no secret that we all have our moments of being late.

Some more often than not.

We try to defend our actions.

We say that our lateness is due to us trying make the most of our time.

But we cannot and we do not.

We wind up apologizing for our failure to show up on time.

It is good to know that our Heavenly Father is always on time.

There will be times when we may think He is late, but He is not.

We see throughout the Scriptures how people became impatient with His timing.

We read where the Israelites waited and waited for the promised Messiah.

There were some that gave up hope.

But Simeon and Anna did not.

They went to the temple daily. Praying and waiting (Luke 2:25-26, 37 KJV).

Their faithfulness was rewarded. They were able to seethe infant Jesus when Mary and Jospeh brough Him to be dedicated (Luke 2:27-32, 38).

The message is this.

When we find ourselves becoming discouraged because God has not responded according to our timetable, let us remember that “when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son … that we might receive the adoption of sons” Galatians 4:4-5 KJV),

In these verses see the wonders of Divine love and mercy.

We see God the Father, sending his Son into the world to redeem and save us.

How the Son of God, submitted Himself so low, and suffered so much for us.

And the Holy Spirit, coming to dwell in the hearts of believers.

All this was done for gracious purposes.

We are to have patience in all we do.

God’s timing is not our timing.

It is always perfect, and it is worth waiting for.


Father, we confess that we become impatient and discouraged at times when we pray. It is because we want answers in our own time. We want them on our schedule. Help us to wait patiently. We know that Your timing is always right. Thank You for always knowing what is best for us.

In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen