The Best and Most Guaranteed Way to Defeat the Enemy

Read: Nehemiah 2:11-20

Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem. Nehemiah 2:20 KJV

There will always be a time when we face those who will speak against us.

They will act in a way that is against what we are trying to accomplish.

There will always be someone or something that will get in our way.

Do not become discouraged and feel the need to give up.

When it is something, the Father has placed in our hearts to do, keep going.

Follow through with His plans despite any strong or fierce opposition we may face.

Anything that comes against us when we are doing what the Father has told us is a sign.

One that means we are making progress.

Nehemiah is a prime example.

In this passage we see where the Israelites were in the process of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

They were mocked by their enemies.

Their enemies did not want them to complete the rebuilding of the walls.

They were trying to stop it because it would be bad for their business.

But instead of letting this distract him, Nehemiah and his helpers maintained and kept with the project.

He told the enemy, “The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem” Nehemiah 2:20 KJV).

He knew that the Lord was with them and the project would be completed.

This passage tells us that when we face opposition not to be discouraged.

Because we are following the Lord’s plan for our lives the enemy is trying to defeat us.

The more he tries, and we keep pressing toward our mark, we are making progress.

The Lord keeps blessing us, and the devil is discouraged by our success.

We do not have to respond to all who try to distract us from doing His will,

When we do, nothing will be accomplished.

We are to “turn a blind eye” to them.

Paying no attention to what they are saying, because we know what the Lord has told us.

Doing His will and completing the task He has set before us is our goal.

It is the best way to silence those who get in our way.

Seeing the look of defeat on their faces as we give praise to the Lord for our victory.

Oh what a day of rejoicing that will be.


Father, we are not to let the discouraging things that others say stop us from doing Your will. You have a plan for each of our lives. Plans that will only lead to a more peaceful and prosperous life. No matter what they say we know that with You all things are possible. Help to remain steadfast in the Word. Knowing that it is where our strength lies. That anything we face is just a sign that You have a blessing in store for us. Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen