The Best, Most Powerful Way to Destroy Unwanted Behaviors

Read: Psalms 25:8-11

Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD.

Psalms 25:7 KJV

We all know that as we grow older, we think back on the things of our youth.

The times when we learned from our mistakes.

How we dealt with them by acknowledging them.

Striving to keep from doing the same things again.

As believers in Christ, it is so fulfilling to know that all our sins have been forgiven.

That they have been removed from our record because Christ died on the cross for them all.

And just like King David, when the sins of our past come to mind and begin to bother us, we can talk to the Lord about them (Psalms 25 KJV).

Asking that, “according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD (Psalms 25:7 KJV).

It is wonderful to know that to this day we all have a chance to confess our sins to the Lord and ask for forgiveness.

To have them remembered no more.

We can testify to His goodness towards us.

Like the song “Just a Little Talk With Jesus” says, we can also say:

“I was lost in sin but Jesus took me in.”

Acknowledging how there is a joy that can fill our souls once we confess and give it all to Him.

The Savior desires to hear all about our troubles and the sins that we know need to be forgiven.

We can talk to Him no matter where we are or the time of day.

His goodness and mercy are always there for us.

So never be afraid to have a little talk with Jesus.

Tell Him all about your troubles.

It is a guarantee that He will hear your faintest cry and answer by and by.

Just talk to Him.


Father, we are thankful that we can talk to You. Always able to tell You about the struggles we are facing. How from our youth to our present age, sin is still being defeated. Thank You for the grace of forgiveness You show us. Thank You for the peace and joy You bring to our lives. You always make things all right. We cannot Thank You enough.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen