Thunder and Lightning – The Most Amazing Voice Actually Experienced

Today’s Reading: Psalms 29

Today’s Verse: The voice of the LORD divideth the flames of fire. Psalms 29:7 KJV

During the Summer months it is common for a rainstorm to occur.

It is often accompanied by thunder and lightning.

We would see lightning flash, then the sound of thunder.

They say you can calculate the distance of lightning by counting the number of seconds between the flash and the sound.

That for every five seconds, the lightning is about one mile away.

There are times when lightning can strike something with a thunderous fireball that can strip leaves and bark off a tree. The strike can leave a few limbs smoldering. And within seconds, there is silence.

Our parents would tell us to stay away from the windows. To get somewhere and sit down until the storm passed.

It is amazing to see the raw power. The voltage and striking of it brings shock and awe to all who see it.

Then there is peace.

In the Scriptures, we know that lightning and thunder are the symbols of God’s voice (Job 37:2-4 KJV).

In Psalms 29, we see that in the thunder, lightning, and storm we see and hear His glory.
“The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning … The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (Psalms 29:7,11 NIV).

He is speaking with amazing irresistible power through His Word.

No matter the storm that comes to our lives, we need not fear.

The Savior will always give us the strength to endure, to be patient, to be kind, to sit quietly, to get up and go or to do nothing at all.

Our faith will always connect our weaknesses and fears to God’s strength.

Granting us the peace we desire.

Giving us even more reason to give Him praise.


It is wonderful to know that You can calm our spirits in the time of a storm Lord. Even when the lightning is flashing and the thunder is roaring, You will give us what we need to make it through. We do not have to be afraid because You are always with us. Please continue to grant us Your peace and the strength to walk through this day. Thank You for all that You do for us.

In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen