Be A Light

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:8 KJV 

Sometimes you walk into a room and there is darkness.

You know that in order to have light in the room, you have to flick the switch.

The same holds true for our Spiritual lives.

Before we give our lives to the Lord, we are all walking in darkness.

That is why the Lord cautions us about our associations and how we do things in life.

Walking in darkness will keep us from doing what is right.

When we receive the Lord and adhere to the Word, we flick the switch.

We turn on a light that allows us to see things clearly.

How we can change the darkness in our lives to produce a more appealing atmosphere.

The Lord is that Light.

The Light that shines within us.

And as His children we should let it shine for all the world to see.

Letting them know that no matter how dark things may be in their lives, they can flip the switch and turn their darkness into light.

Your living testimony may be the only light someone sees.

Let it shine.


 Lord, we know walking in darkness is not where You desire for us to be. That walking as Your children of light, we get the knowledge we need to live a holy life.  Letting our light shine before men so they see the blessings You bestow on us.  Thank You Lord for the light.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen