And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.  James 5:15 KJV 

Sicknesses come in many forms.  

Forms in the way of ill health or a condition in which some disease or impairment of function is present.

In the form of some type of disorder or state of confusion, dismay, or chaos.

In the form of a weakness or the inability to resist something or someone.

In the form of an unsound condition, which is considered unhealthy, diseased, or disordered, as well as the potential for the body or mind being impaired, or something that is not solid or firm.

Man has the ability to help us in these areas of sickness but there is no guarantee that it will always be the right answer or cure for our situation.

That’s where knowing and trusting in the Lord comes in.

He has the cure for any mental, physical or spiritual condition that we go through.

We just have to trust and believe. Pray in faith. Confess and ask for forgiveness of our sins.

We must continue to pray, show undying faith and hope in all our circumstances. So when any  afflictions come, we will see our graces and blessings increase. 

The Lord wants to raise us up.


Lord, we know that the prayers of the righteous availeth much. That as true believers, when we walk in grace and repent of our sins, we find grace in You Lord. Thank you for healing us of all our mental, physical and spiritual weaknesses by providing the Word as our forever reference.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen