Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV
When we hear the word “compass”, we tend to think about the instrument used to guide a ship or boat.
It is also a way to extend or hold something out to someone so they can embrace the whole meaning of something.
That is where our witnessing one to another comes in.
We all have a testimony that will help someone else that is going through something.
All of us have committed a sin and had things weigh heavily on us.
Our patience shows the extent of which we accept or tolerate delays, trouble, or any sufferings we face without getting angry or upset, which is difficult at times.
This is where our faith in God is most important.
Important because He is our success during these times.
Our success, despite our hardships, because He is a loving, patient God who is determined that we should get rid of our sins, to follow Jesus and live according to the Word.
Once we give our lives to Jesus, we should remain devoted and determined to follow His will.
He is the compass we should follow at all times.
Thank you Lord for being the compass we should follow. For giving us the power to be a living witness on how to overcome every discouragement, trouble or temptation that comes our way. But most of all, the fact that we know we would not have made it if not for Your suffering on the cross to save us from eternal misery. We thank you Lord for it all.
In Jesus Name, Amen