Beneficial Fear

Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.  Proverbs 15:16 KJV 

Society places a status on everyone.

Most of the time, based on our monetary value.

As “True Believers” we still recognize that we are placed in one of society’s classes, but our place in the Lord is greater.

A place of not letting the influences of the world deceive us into to thinking that we have to have it all.

Knowing that we must have the fear of the Lord in our lives.

Because it is the key to the greatest rewards that help to save us from the worldly troubles we face.

Helping us to remember that assets nor income can bring us the happiness, joy, and blessings of God that fearing Him will bring.

A fear that results in godly living.

In truth and wisdom.

Some of the greatest benefits God bestows on us.


Lord, there is always something to be thankful for.  Our fear of God is one.  One that results in us living godly lives filled with truth and wisdom.  No longer being focused on monetary things or our economic status. Just the blessings of God that fearing Him will bring.  Our trust is in You. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen