C H _ _ C H * What’s Missing?

And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.  Hebrews 10:24-25 KJV 

Despite the pandemic that is present in the world today, the Christian spirit, the Spirit of Christ, is in no way to be a selfish spirit.

A spirit that has forgotten about fellowshipping one with another.

God has made a way for the church to the lifeline society needs. 

The lifeline of courage, knowledge and empowerment.

The vessels God uses to lead others to Him and exhibit a change in their lives.

We still have the ability to express God’s love through teachings, via technology and limited gatherings.

Continuing to welcome visitors and fellowship with each other.

Being, all the more, able to express the same love no matter where we are or who we come in contact with.

We are God’s people assembling joyfully as believers in Jesus Christ. 

Encouraging one another to come to Christ and to remain steadfast in faith and love.

We are what makes up God’s church.

As the days of His return are approaching we need to remember that,

“C H _ _ C H”  means nothing if “U R” not a true part of it.

A part vital to aiding in man’s salvation.


Lord, trying days are upon all men. All the more reason for the church to be diligent in fellowshipping.  Showing the faith and love we have in You Lord. A fellowship that draws all men, women, boys and girls unto You. May we not let nothing keep us from doing Your commands.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen