Just because someone doesn’t look like you or have all the things you have, don’t look down on them.
An example would be in Luke 18:9-14 KJV, where the Pharaoh and a Publican (tax collector) went to the temple to pray.
The Pharaoh prayed but was so caught up talking about what he had and degrading others, that he failed to give honor to God for His grace and favor. He was full of himself.
The Publican’s prayer was different. He prayed to God with humbleness, acknowledged his sins and his desire towards God. A simple short prayer asking God to have mercy on him, a sinner. His faith was in God.
By nature, the sin of pride is in us. Yes we should be happy with our accomplishments, but we have to be mindful that we don’t forget how the Lord blessed us to get to that point. We have to put and keep pride in it’s place.
As believers we are to be humble and faithfully use our spiritual gifts.
We are one body in Christ, who is the Head of the body and the Center of our unity.
We are each called to do the work of the Lord, no matter our position in society.
God has given each of us a measure of faith. Continue to stand in faith and watch the blessings God will bestow upon you.
Lord we thank you for the gifts and talents you have given us. Let us not forget that these blessings were meant for us to be a blessing to others. Let us not be like Pharaoh, bit like the Publican and be humble and repentant.
In Jesus Name, Amen