When we were growing up, at least for some of us, we would get M&M’s, sort them by color, and only eat the color that we liked.
It is our nature to choose the things that appeal to us most, even when something else is just as appealing or beneficial to us.
The same holds true when it comes to the Word.
We have a tendency to read the Word, but only choose the Scriptures that appeal to us. Ignoring the rest of what the Lord is trying to tell us.
All scripture is given by God, touches on many areas of our lives and is meant to be a blessing to us all.
We must, no matter what we are going through, taste and see that the Lord is good, His Word is true and His mercy is forever with us.
Lord, we know that the things we encounter in our lives may come in different ways, that we try to pick and choose which ones we want to deal with, but really need to deal with them all. Help us to remember that we can handle anything that comes our way because You, Lord, have given us the true Word, that once we taste of it, we can handle all things. Thank you Lord.
In Jesus Name, Amen