My daughters have the occasion to be my “fashionistas”.
That is, they are devoted followers of fashion.
If I was about to go somewhere and my outfit was off, they did not hesitate to tell me I couldn’t go out like that and show me what i needed to change. Hairstyle included.
I did not take it as an offensive thing, as some might, in fact we would laugh about it.
I saw it as a way that they were trying to raise me up to another stage regarding fashion trends.
I took it as a positive thing, because I am not a big time fashion person. I am a “take me as I am” person.
Just like the Colossians, we are strongly encouraged to live in mutual love, patience, be charitable and forgiving, to name a few, as those chosen of God.
Treating each other the way we want to be treated is something we all can do.
While we yet live in this world, despite all the things happening around us, we must continue to love and forgive one another, just like God has loved and forgiven us.
No matter your style, when we follow the Word and give thanks to God, things can and will be pleasing.
Lord, We thank you that our lives will prosper when we continue doing what the Scriptures say and remain in your grace Lord. We thank you for showing us, through the Word, how to be more agreeable to all men. We pray that the Word continues to have power in our lives.
In Jesus Name, Amen