There are times in our lives when we feel like we are being pulled in so many directions.
We have so much to do and no time to do it all.
We worry about how we will get it all done.
Those are the times we have to tell ourselves to slow down, take a breath and develop a doable plan.
One that includes us taking needed breaks and resting. Breaks and rest needed for our health and well being.
Jesus understood this need when the twelve disciples returned from their traveling ministry acknowledging all that God had done through them.
The Lord understood the demands made on them, as there were followers all around them, and He knew they needed rest.
He told them to go get some rest and they did. They went to a deserted place on a boat and got some rest.
Grant it, we don’t have a boat to take us to a deserted place, but we can find a quiet spot where we can have some “alone time”.
Time to sit back, relax, and breathe new life into our body and soul.
Jesus said we should. If it were not so He wouldn’t have said it.
He knows just what we need.
Lord, sometimes our days are so full that we don’t know which way to go. Thank you for reminding us that there comes a time when we need to rest. Rest so we can be refreshed to continue to do the things you desire us to do. May we be obedient to your Word just like the disciples.
In Jesus Name, Amen