Hebrews 10:37 KJV
All over the world, states, cities, towns are hit by fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters.
Some of these disasters can be contained, others cannot.
Some we can prepare for and some we cannot.
Damages from these disasters are felt by many and come in many forms.
The sufferings can be overwhelming.
Sometimes we have to wait for assistance to come, which can take a long time.
As children of God, we go through many things that cause us a variety of pains and sufferings. He is always there for us.
As His followers, we should be there for each other.
There to provide the Christian spirit of unselfishness, love, care, any ability to help or just be there to comfort one another.
There to keep each other in line with the Word and what God has promised.
We all long for the day when none of these tragedies will occur and our days are filled with nothing but true happiness.
The day of true happiness of the saints is when we all meet in heaven.
A true happiness that is everlasting.
A true happiness that the enemy cannot take away from us.
Just like the storms that occur, things are not always predictable. No man knows the day or the hour the Lord will appear and call us home. We just have to remain prepared.
Prepared by staying rooted and grounded in the Word.
Lord, we thank you for the ability to remain patient in the times of trouble or difficult circumstances. Thank you for helping us to remain content in this world knowing that you have prepared a place for us in heaven where trouble and difficult times will be no more. We are living by faith, and dying in faith, so our souls are safe for ever with thee and rejoicing forevermore.
In Jesus Name, Amen