When you hear the word anchor you think of a metal device, on a rope or chain, attached to a ship, boat or other water vessel to hold it securely in a particular place while on the waters.
Anchors are also tools that can come in many forms based on what you need to secure or keep in place.
Keeping things in place is something we all need in this journey called life.
Situations come that cause strong waves in our lives and things we thought were secure begin to get out of place.
That’s when we thank God for the anchor He has provided us.
Our anchor that preserves our faith and holiness.
Our anchor is the Word.
When we stay anchored in the Word, the blessings God promised comes to light.
It’s an anchor we know we can depend on because God does not lie. He does exactly what He says He will do.
The love of God is an anchor.
An anchor strong enough to support us in any situation we face.
An anchor of refuge for all sinners who come to Him, through Christ.
An anchor in the Spirit as our powerful influence and the grounds to maintain hope.
Father God, just like a ship that’s out to sea, we can be tossed up and down in life. Tossed so much that we feel we are being cast away and don’t know how to gain control. We need an anchor to keep us sure and steady. That’s why we thank and praise you God for the Lord, your Holy Spirit and the Word as the anchor to give us hope in the times of a storm. There is no greater anchor than You and all that You provide for us.
In Jesus Name, Amen