We are conceived, born, have our childhood, our teenage years and finally adulthood.
During these times in our life, our parents, or someone else who was deeply involved in our life, was there to take care of our needs and look after us.
For the majority of us, they taught us how to live and take care of ourselves.
They took us to church, where we learned what the Lord said in His Word about how we should live and treat each other.
By the time we reached adulthood, we prayerfully had obtained the knowledge, skills and abilities to live the life God desired for us all.
We all have the ability to follow Christ, some not as freely as others.
That is where our promise to minister comes in.
Our promise to minister unto all mankind, as Jesus did, is doing and will continue to do, is the call we have on our lives.
Remember what the Lord said in 2 Timothy 3:14 KJV:
“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.”
Ministering is our calling.
A kind word or gesture means a lot to someone.
As the Lord loves us and only wants the best for us, do your best in ministering the Word.
Lord, we thank you for all the teachings you have given us on how to minister your Word to mankind. Let us manifest these teachings that the ministry continueS to grow and Your Word reaches the multitude.
In Jesus Name, Amen