When I was growing up, I enjoyed the activity of sewing and learning the sewing basics.
Learning how to thread a needle and use a sewing machine was exciting.
It was so much fun to cut out the patterns, pin them to the fabric and cut them out. Even more fun to sew them together and make an outfit, pillow and other things.
There were so many different sewing utensils needed. You had to have a tape measurer, gauges, pins, pincushion, hand sewing needles, sewing needle threader, seam ripper, sewing scissors, pinking shears, and a pressing tool (i.e. an iron).
Thank goodness my mom and aunties were already sewers. It made it easier for me to learn it and was a great help with me passing my Home Ed class in school too.
Yes, that was a true class back then.
It was a step by step process that lead me to successfully completing my assignments.
That’s what the Lord wants for each of us. He wants each of us to be successful in completing what He has predestined for our lives.
He has set the pattern before us and provided all the utensils we need to be able to sew.
That pattern, those utensils can be found nowhere else but in the Old and New Testaments of His Word. The Bible, our ultimate pattern.
It is our causeway, our ascent by steps. The way for us to rise.
A step by step way for us to succeed in our life endeavors.
We just have to follow the directions.
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to sew. Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7 KJV.
Now is your time to take the pattern He has designed for you and sew it into the magnificent life garment He desires for you to wear or exhibit.
I bet you will wear it well.
Our Prayer:
Lord we thank you for the patterns and utensils You have given us to be able to sew and tailor our lives according to your Word. Help us to remain steadfast in Your way and wear it well.
In Jesus Name, Amen