Psalms 18 (KJV)

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower Psalms 18:2 (KJV)
While constructing a building the foundation is important as it has to be able to withstand great pressure. Construction workers study the area and ensure that the materials they utilize will be able to accomplish this
goal in the times of storms and other difficulties but most of all, everyday life.
That is how standing on the solid rock of our foundation, the Word of God, will keep us strong and able to press on.
I have had difficulties in my life, as we all have. Times when it felt like all hope was gone. Didn’t know what direction to take.
That’s when I think about David in Psalms 18 (KJV).
David was going through many things in his life. Because he came to know and loved the Lord, he remained steadfast in crying out to the Lord for
He struggled, as we all do, with what he needed to do. But by putting his trust in and keeping the ways of the Lord, he was able to continue on.
Because of this the Lord delivered him from the hands of his enemies and the hands of Saul.
With this victory, David sang unto the Lord in praise.
He acknowledged the Lord as his rock, his fortress and his deliverer.
He knew that in the Lord he could always take refuge.
We can too.
The Lord is always there for us.
He is our Solid Rock.
A Word of Prayer:
Thank you Lord for your Word and being the Solid Rock on which we can stand in any situation we encounter.
In Jesus Name we pray, Amen