Grace and Mercy – The Most Powerful Weapons Ever Found

Read: Lamentations 3:21-36 / Jeremiah 52:31-34

But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. Lamentations 3:32 KJV

It is no secret that we all have had our times when we did not do right.

We were blind to many things and did not see how much harm they could bring us.

Forgetting about the penalty we will pay for doing things the wrong way.

Those are the times we need to stand in faith.

Crying out to God for His undying grace and mercy.

The Prophet Jeremiah is an example of what it means to cry out to God.

Of how we can tell Him all about the distress and temptation we are under.

What it means to receive God’s mercy.

In Jeremiah 52:31-34 KJV, we see the example of His mercy.

Jehoiachin was the successor to his father as the king of Judah.

He was only 18 years old.

His father had an evil way of doing things and he chose to follow them.

But not long after he began his reign, he had to surrender to the servants of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.

They took him, his mother, his servants, his princes, and his officers captive (2 Kings 24:8-16 KJV).

He deserved the punishment for all the wrong decisions he made.

It was because of God’s grace and mercy he was treated well by his captives.

King Nebuchadnezzar was doing as the Father said.

“But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. (Lamentations 3:32 KJV).

This passage reminds us of how important it is not only to mourn over our sins but also the need to ask the Father for forgiveness when we let Him down.

Never forgetting that by His grace we are receiving what we do not deserve.

And that because of His mercy we are not receiving what we do deserve.

That we can live a better life because of Him.

His grace and mercy brings us through it all.


Father, there have been times when we did not do right. But You were watching over us. Sin would take over our lives if it were not for Your grace and mercy. They always bring us through it all. Thank You for the change You bring to our lives. Thank You for a brand-new day.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen