Hidden: Always Remembering Those Who Have a Helpful Heart

Read: Romans 16:1-16

I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea.

Romans 16:1 KJV

We know it takes much effort to run a business.

There is always something that needs to be done.

There is always someone in the background taking care of multiple things.

Things that may seem of less importance to someone else.

They are doing what is needed to keep things running smoothly.

They often do not receive the recognition they deserve.

In today’s Scripture reading, Paul commends many people.

Those who are working hard in their mission to do God’s will.

Those who helped to see that things go well as he completes his mission.

Phebe just being one of them.

She did whatever was needed to help Paul.

For all her efforts, Paul recommended her to the church of Rome.

It is an example of churches today.

How they should be doing things.

How we should be recognizing one another.

Some do recognize the need to do this.

But there are those who still do not.

That is why we must pray that all will understand how important this is.

That this is what it takes to help keep the blessings of God flowing.

The Lord knows what we have done.

His recognition is what we most desire.

But it still feels good to hear it from those around us.

Paul is showing us what it means to acknowledge and encourage one another.

How it is becoming for every Christian to help one another.

Everything we do has meaning.

Especially to a stranger who needs to feel the love of God.

Which will only be felt when we, as a congregation, show it to one another.

We never know when our time will come.

Someday, we may need help ourselves.

Everything we do for the Lord is important.

Our churches are truly blessed of God when its congregation knows this.

Remembering that it does not matter about their position in the church.

We all have a place of service in the ministry.

From the pulpit to the front door.

May it all be recognized.


Father, we know we are to help one another wherever we can. We never know when we may be the one in need of help. Remembering that even if our service to You is not recognized we are still pleasing You. Let us take the time to acknowledge that there is value in every person we meet. That as Your children we all have something to give. It is a blessing to be of service to You and those around us.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen