Life Made Fantastic and Amazing Because of His Works

Read: Psalms 104:1-24

He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. Psalms 104:19 KJV

Everyone has an opinion on how they think something has come to be.

With today’s technology, research is done in many areas.

Reports of the findings made.

The statements made usually contains information about previous happenings.

What others had thought would happen and what truly did.

They may even contain information about future events.

From the weather to the full eclipse of the sun, man has declared or indicated when and where certain things will happen.

There is always an attempt to do it well in advance of it happening.

There will even be times when they go back in time and try to determine how something occurred.

One can only wonder if they have a fear of being wrong.

It is good to know that what we learn from the Word is true.

That it is how we truly receive what we are being told.

From Genesis to Revelation, no one can deny that God has the ability to do all things.

What the Father declares in the Word is far from wrong.

Everything He is telling us is a proven fact and does not change.

Our only fear comes when we struggle to trust and believe.

When we fight against the Word in an effort to change the things that are meant to be.

To try to change the things He has already put into place.

When we look at the Word, we see that God, in His infinite wisdom, created a world of order and precision (Psalms 104 KJV).

He has created it in a manner in which when man does any research, they can make any calculations they desire.

They can try to know exactly where the planets, satellites and stars will be in the future.

Research is good.

Technology is made possible only because of how the Father has ordained it to be.

But no matter how hard we try; we cannot change anything.

That is why He has made it possible for a weather persons to determine when and where a storm may hit, but they do not have the ability to stop it.

It is His orderly design.

The Psalmist had given us many examples of the Father’s creations.

We see it throughout this Chapter of Psalms.

The Psalmist is telling us how, the Father “appointed the moon for seasons: [and that] the sun knoweth his going down” (Psalms 104:19 KJV).

That He “laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever (v.5).

How the Father separated the mountains and the oceans (vv.6-9).

He is telling us about how the Father provides for the animals and mankind (vv.10-15).

Everything in this world is the result of His ability to create.

What He has produced, He will always love and care about.

He is doing it to this day.

He is the Creator and oversees every aspect of our lives.

That is why we must stay rooted and grounded in the Word.

There is nothing that occurs in the world that He does not already know about.

Not a one that He does not know how it will end.

He has a plan for our lives that will not fail.

Just like “He appointed the moon for seasons” (Psalms 104:19 KJV), He has appointed us to do His will.

To show others how He has already told us about the things to come and how to manage them.

There is no doubt that we are His.

And we know that as one of His, He will definitely take care of us.


Father, we know that the Heavens declare Your glory. There is none like You. Man may try to determine how things will happen in life, but we know You already know. You are the One who created everything. The One who is taking great care of everything that goes on. We give You praise and magnify for Your name. Thank You for it all Father.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen