CB Radio

Then call thou, and I will answer: or let me speak, and answer thou me.  Job 13:22 KJV

There was a time when people would correspond with individuals, from their truck, car or homes, through Citizen Band Radios aka CB Radios. Some still do.

It was a good line of communication, depending on what you were talking about.

In order to get the maximum pleasure and benefits out of these radios, they needed to read the manual and follow the instructions.

There were operating procedures, controls that had certain functions, along with the instructions about the maintenance and adjustments that might need to be made.

These things about the CB radio can cause you concern or a reason to give up on it’s usage:

You had to keep up with any changes that may be made by the manufacturer.

You may not even be able to reach the person you want.

But most of all…

You could only use it from home, in your car or truck, and it could only reach someone that was in that area or radius.

That’s the big difference with the CB Radio we should all invest in.

It is the “Christ Band Radio.” 

A much better CB Radio.

All you have to do to get the maximum pleasure and benefits out of this CB is to read the manual, which is the “Bible” and begin to communicate with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It is the manual that gives us the most productive operating procedures, the best controls that guide our functions, along with, the best instructions for maintenance and adjustments to our lives. 

The greatest pleasure and benefit to this CB Radio:

We can reach the Lord no matter where we are.  He is always there.

We can reach Him when things are going good and in the times of storms.

The communication and connection is great. 

We can talk to Him about any and every thing.

There are no restrictions to the time of day we can contact Him. 

We can call Him day or night. Even in the midnight hours.

This CB Radio has more benefits than anyone could ever ask for and is so worth the investment.


Lord we thank you for the Christ Band Radio that you have given us.  For the ability to contact you no matter the time of day, where we are or what the weather is like. But most of all, that the manual, the Bible, will never change.

In Jesus Name we pray, Amen 

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