Check Your Schedule

And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.  Luke 23:43 KJV 

We all have daily calendars, mentally or physically, reminding us of the things we need to take care of or follow-up on.

Some things may change .

In which case, we have to make adjustments.

No matter what our daily schedule looks like, the main thing on our calendars should be “honoring Christ and living according to the Word.”

An appointment that should never be changed, put off or deleted.

Even though the thief in this chapter was able to make his final appointment with the Lord, we may not have that opportunity.

That is why trying to repent at the last minute is not something we want to do.

What we should do, from this moment going forward, is acknowledge that we have sinned.

Putting our trust in the fact that Jesus died and rose for our sins.

That He will forgive us our sins and put us on the path of righteousness.

Letting the final entry on our calendar be, “Spending an eternal tomorrow with the Lord in paradise.”


Lord, we honor and acknowledge the sufferings You endured for the salvation of man. That You died to open the kingdom of heaven to all who believes and obeys Your Word.  May we daily remember this and live accordingly. Not waiting till the last minute. A minute we may not have. In the end, we want to hear You say, “To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.”

In Jesus name we pray, Amen