
But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.  Luke 10:40 KJV

Stuff, stuff and more stuff.

Stuff that has a way of hindering us when we are preparing for any type of gathering.

Grant it we know a lot needs to be done, but we shouldn’t let it cause us to complain or be upset.

That although we want everything to be perfect, there is nothing wrong with taking a break.

Enjoying the time spent with those around us.

When it’s all said and done, others will be happy to help where needed.

That’s what Martha had to learn.

Although she was providing entertainment to the Lord and His disciples, she needed to take time to enjoy His company.

Not to be distracted and upset that she was not getting assistance from her sister.

None of us need to be distracted by worldly things.

We must continue to be true believers, choosing to take a break, enjoying our time with the Lord.

He cares for us and wants us to receive the favor of God.

A favor that leads to our happiness.


Lord, just like Martha and others, let us realize that the best entertainment we could give is to take the time to sit and listen to You speak.  Listen to You speak to things we need to know in our lives.  That as true believers, we will find favor in Your Word. That in serving You, we find salvation, safety and peace.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen