Genesis 40:23 KJV
The Lord sends His Word to us in different ways. The Bible being the main source.
Many times we may have a dream or thought about something and really don’t understand what it means.
We don’t tell anybody about this dream or thought. We keep it to ourselves.
As time goes by, we hear something from someone we know that speaks to the thought or dream we had.
We could even have a brief conversation with a person we meet in passing and it reflects on the thought or dream we had.
The majority of the time the meaning of the thought or dream is revealed to us in a sermon we hear.
At any rate, we may or may not want to accept what we hear.
What we hear will be a confirmation of what the Lord desires us to do in a situation or His way of telling us how a situation may end.
In Genesis, Chapter 40, Joseph, a servant of God was in prison with a chief butler and a chief baker.
Both were saddened, not so much about being in prison, but because they did not have anyone to interpret their dreams.
Joseph had compassion on them both and interpreted their dreams.
The chief butler’s dream showed he would be promoted. The chief baker’s dream showed of his death.
Joseph’s only request to the butler was that he remember him before the Pharaoh so he might be set free.
We never know, we could need the interpretation or be the interpreter.
The information we receive, or deliver, could be something pleasant or unpleasant.
The interpretation came to pass. The chief butler was promoted and the chief baker was put to death.
The one thing that didn’t happen. The chief butler did not acknowledge Joseph before Pharaoh.
Joseph witnessed the ingratitude of the butler and realized his trust should only remain in the Lord.
Whatever our situation, we must not forget to give thanks and praise unto the Lord. Acknowledge His loving kindness and the wisdom He bestows on us.
Lord, we know in this world we have hatred, a lack of kindness, love and help for those in distress. Help us to not forget the sufferings, promises, and love from You, our Redeemer. That the thoughts and dreams that come in our lives are to help us know what may be forthcoming and how to prepare ourselves or help someone else. Thank you Lord for the wisdom you provide.
In Jesus Name, Amen