Easy Decision: New Beginning or Is This the End?

Read: Psalms 73:1-24

Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end…Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.

Psalms 73:17, 24 KJV

God numbers a man’s days.

He knows the number of our months we have before He calls us home (Job 14:5 NLV).

We are not to let the things of the world cause us to miss the blessings He has for us.

In this reading we see that the psalmist, Asaph, was discouraged when he saw godly people suffering while the wicked were enjoying prosperity.

It was when he went into the temple, praying and worshipping God that he saw beyond the present (Psalms 73:17 KJV).

How the Father would “guide [him] with [His] counsel, and afterward receive [him] to glory” (Psalms 73:24 KJV).

For a non-Christian, their death brings no hope.

This is because whatever enjoyment they had is life will be gone.

There will be nothing for them to look forward to.

But for a Christian, it has a brighter side.

“For there is hope for a tree, when it is cut down, that it will grow again, and that its branches will not stop growing” (Job 14:7 NLV).

It will be the end of a life we have enjoyed, but the wonderful beginning of a new one that is even better.

One that will never end.

Like the psalmist, every Christian will face temptations.

We have the power of faith to help us gain victory over them.

Making our lives better while we yet live.

Knowing that even at the end of this journey called life, there will be a greater new beginning.


Father, by faith and prayer may we draw near and keep near to You. With an upright heart putting all our trust in You. Giving thanksgiving and praise to You. We know that at some point our earthly ties will end and we will receive a place in Your Heavenly Kingdom. A new life for us will begin. Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen

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