Endeavor To Prosper

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.  Psalms 1:3 KJV 

A mentor is someone that is willing to share information with others about the things he or she has encountered in life.

Willing to do so because they are mindful of the difference it could make in someone’s life.

Knowing the difference it made in their lives to receive guidance, motivation, and emotional support. 

In our spiritual endeavors, we also have the ability to mentor.

Remembering how the Word was planted in our lives, the people who were around to water it and how it still plays a part in our lives today.

To tell someone about our spiritual growth in the Lord, all our endeavors and the blessings we are receiving.

Showing that our constant regard for the Word governs our thoughts and actions.  A comfort in all our needs.

Hoping that it will be planted in their lives and will help them in times to come.

Loving to hear someone say that they remember what we talked about and that it had made a difference in their life. 

That the Lord has blessed them, just like He blessed us.


Lord, we know we have been placed here to bring forth the fruit of Your Word.  That no matter the season, we should not let anything hinder us, but continue to prosper.  That we all should be spreading the Word through our testimonies.  Showing the love You have for us all.  That by our example of following You, others will follow You too.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen