Facing Anything

Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.  Psalms 27:3 KJV 

There are people and things that present themselves in our lives in an effort to do us harm and attempt to weaken our faith.

These are the times we have to remain steadfast in the Word.

Just like David, we have to remember that no matter what we are going through the Lord is on our side.

He is the light, strength and gracious presence of God.

He is our salvation.

We can go to Him in prayer, as He is always ready to hear them.

He is our tabernacle of peace and security.

Meditate on the Word and always pray. 

It’s God’s way of helping us face anything on this pathway called life.


Lord, we know life can present many obstacles that can cause us harm and weaken our faith.  Help us remember that our communication with You, through prayer, is the way we overcome it all.  Thank You for being our source of power. The light that ever shines.  The strength that we need.  For always being there for us.

 In Jesus name we pray, Amen