Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4 KJV 

We don’t always know why some things happen in our life.

The truth of the matter, sickness and untimely deaths have manifested itself on all of us at some point and time.

Be it a love one, a close friend, or even ourselves, it has not been easy. 

We don’t always understand why these things are happening. 

We must not lose faith.

When we do, we begin to have doubts and must not let the temptations that come about cause us to be impatient, irritated or provoked to the point we are not living according to the Word.

Just like the thorns on the stem of a flower is there to keep away predators and blossom.

The same holds true for us, if we keep the faith, anything that is not of God will not hinder us and faith blossoms in us.

God is always there for us and will not disappoint us.  

We must trust and believe, so our faith will continue to blossom.


 Lord, we know sometimes we are restless and get eager to get an answer to our situation. Help us to realize that when things come our way to keep the faith that you are there for us. We know that by trusting and believing in You Lord we will overcome anything that comes our way. Thank you Lord for being there for us.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen