Faith Leaves No Room For Doubt

And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?  Matthew 14:31 KJV 

We all react to the trials we face in life in many different ways.

Doubt is one of those ways.

A showing of uncertainty of an outcome.

The inability to make decisions quickly and effectively.

We just cannot make up our minds on what to do or believe.  Who to trust.

Even on the stormiest of days, the Lord is our refuge.

Our belief and trust should be in Him.

Knowing He will tell us what to do.

Never letting us fail or fall.

When we doubt His abilities, we are weak in our faith and that displeases the Lord.

Continuing to believe and not being doubtful is what He desires from us.

Don’t be one that He has to ask, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”


Lord, we all need to remember that when we step out in faith, You are always there for us.  Doubt should have no place in our lives.  Help us to remember that no matter the storms or strong winds that blow, we are to keep our trust in You.  Your hands are always stretched out to catch us and draw us closer to You. Back into the safety of Your arms. Thank You Savior.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen