Rules and commandments are instructions that have always existed.
They govern our conduct and there is always someone around to ensure that they are followed.
As believers, Jesus Christ gave us commandments, regarding the Lord our God, that we must follow.
One of which is to love Him with our heart, soul and mind.
Love because He is walking with and teaching us the lessons of life.
With a spiritual heart that is gaining life-giving wisdom.
With a soul that lives and breathes to spread the Word.
And with a mind that stays filled with holy desires and purposes.
A love that is sincere and shows in all we do.
Remembering His undying love for us.
When we do this, we look at life in a different way.
Love and serve Him.
Lord, May our love for You continue to be shown in all we say and do. That by giving our lives to You, we will follow Your commands and continue to walk in wisdom. Returning the love.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen