To freely give one has to willingly give, not by being ordered or forced to do something.
Nothing is truly gained when we do something we don’t want to do. There is a lot of frustration and resentment. Making for a stressful atmosphere.
Our true joy comes when we make sacrifices and know it is something that is truly beneficial to someone else.
There is great victory and success when we are willing to freely sacrifice for others. To show unconditional love.
That’s what God did for us when He sacrificed His Son for us all.
He saw a need and freely gave Jesus, who also freely gave His life, as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.
Freely gave to help us see that He was there to help us with anything we needed. To show the love He has for us.
There is nothing that the God, our Father and Jesus, the Son, wouldn’t do to help us all.
Show thankfulness by following the Word.
God, we are thankful that we are triumphant through Jesus. Thank You for the love You showed by giving us Jesus as the atonement for our sins, allowing us to receive forgiveness, love, and the Word, leading to a blessed life and our place in Heaven.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen