From Him Nothing is Hidden, Living A Great Life

Read: Psalms 103:1-14

For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. Psalms 103:14 KJV

There are times when we feel that the weight of the world is upon us.

Our individual experiences can cause us to view the world in a different light.

We try to take on too many things.

Things we do not know how to manage.

We think that because someone else is doing something, we can do it too.

Many times putting us in a place of hurt and pain.

We have to realize that we are only able to do so much.

That each one of us have distinct roles to play in this journey called life.

It is a blessing that the Father is not as forgetful as we are.

“He knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust” (Psalms 103:14 KJV).

He knows all about our physical and spiritual weaknesses.

That is why we must not forget the need to follow the Word and not to choose to follow our own path.

It is great to know that our Father knows what we are made of and how much we can take.

He has already laid a plan for our lives.

We must keep our hope and trust in Him.

He always makes a way out of no way

He will never allow us to be taken by what is around us.

We must choose to never let the things of this world weigh us down.


Father, You are genuinely good to us all. Your Word even tells us about the mercy How You blessed so many people from Genesis to Revelation. How we can still experience blessings to this day. With You in our lives. We can face whatever is ahead of us. In You we put our trust. Thank You for never allowing us to take on more than we can bear.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen

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