A mission is an important assignment, or calling, that must be carried out.
A specified task or a certain amount of work that must be completed.
Jesus was on a mission.
He was sent to go out into the world, teaching all who would listen.
The mission wasn’t always easy. There were some stumbling blocks He had to face.
But He kept going.
Facing the biggest one, when He was hung on the cross.
The final step in His fulfilling that which God had sent Him to do.
He was now ready for the supreme blessedness that the Father was going to bestow on Him.
Just like Jesus, we are called to a “Christian Mission”.
To go out into the world, teaching all who would listen about God.
About the Lord and all He has, can and will do for those who believe.
There will be stumbling blocks and times when we want to give up.
Those are the times we remember that Jesus did not let them keep Him down.
He kept going until His work of man’s redemption and salvation was completed.
If He did it, we can too.
In the end knowing, we too will be ready for the supreme blessedness that the Father wants to bestow on us.
All the more reason to complete the mission assigned.
God, we thank You for letting Jesus be an example that no mission is so great that You will not see us through. That the redemption of even one person is a positive sign of the mission being completed. That when the mission is done, we will receive the supreme blessedness that You desire to bestow on us.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen