Today’s Reading: Ruth 2:8-13
Today’s Verse: Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger? Ruth 2:10 KJV
Practicing random acts of kindness is a good thing.
Some might question, “why?”
Why should they want to show kindness?
For those who are followers of Christ, the answer is clear: To show the tender mercy and kindness of God.
To show that we are all loved by Him, no matter who we are.
In the Old Testament there is an example of this principle.
We read it in the story of Ruth. She was an emigrant from Moab.
She was a foreigner, living in a strange land. One where their language and culture she did not understand.
In addition, she was desperately poor and dependent on the charity of people who took little notice of her.
But there was one Israelite that showed Ruth grace and spoke to her heart (Ruth 2:13 KJV).
His name was Boaz.
He allowed her to glean in his fields.
Ruth questioned why he would show her so much favor (Ruth 2:10 KJV).
His gestures were more than simple charity. It showed her, by his compassion, the tender mercy of God.
The One under whose wings she could take refuge.
She eventually became Boaz’s wife (Ruth 4:13-17 KJV).
She became a part of God’s family and one in the line of ancestors that led to Jesus. The One who brought salvation to the entire world (Matthew 1:1-16 KJV).
True religion teaches us to behave correctly in all states and conditions.
It will cause natural love and kindness among people, no matter their position in life.
Kindness is two-fold.
True kindness can make a person feel happy and appreciated.
True kindness can make us feel good about ourselves.
We never know what our one act of kindness, done in the Master’s name, will do for someone.
It is never too soon to be kind to someone.
Take the time to show some kindness today.
Father, we know that each day You have something for us to do. Showing acts of kindness is just one of them. It gives us the opportunity to let others see a glimmer of You. Hoping they will also see that there is no time like the present to show it. To remember that because of the Savior’s act of kindness, we found favor in Your sight. Thank You for all the random acts of kindness we are able to give and receive. Thank You for the loving kindness You show us every hour of the day.
In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen