In all our ways we should acknowledge God first.
Giving ourselves to Him and thanking Him for the grace and love that He has shown us.
Letting it be our motivation to show the same love and grace to others.
Expressing it in our support of the ministry and missionary endeavors.
Helping those less fortunate or even someone who is facing hard times or just needs someone to talk too.
When we do, not only do we give God the glory that is due, but it also shows men where our strength lies.
Our willingness to give from our hearts.
A showing of our love and thankfulness for all the Father has done for us.
A showing of what He can do for others.
Father because we are accepting of Your grace, the good in us can be seen. Your are the source of all things. Making it possible for us to show Your good works and draw all men unto You. May we continue to follow Your way and be useful to others.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen