A journey is something in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and then come back home.
You have a starting point, reach your destination, stay a while, do what you need to do and when done, return home.
Jesus was on a journey.
A journey undertaken for a religious motive.
He left His home in glory and ministered unto the people in many lands.
Showing the love that the Father has for us.
That repentance brings salvation to all who believe.
He endured many hardships and was bound to a cross.
The ending point of His journey.
The point where He spoke to the Father and returned home.
Each leg of our journey should have a purpose or motive.
One of seeking to glorify God.
Truly repenting and being converted.
Living a righteous and godly life.
Using all our talents and skills in the service of the Father.
Showing the world that the death of our Savior was not in vain.
That He is home, waiting to welcome all that believe.
Father, we know that death is a homegoing for all that receive the Lord. Thank You for preparing a place in Heaven for us. A home where we will be with You, the Savior, our loved ones and everyone that believed and put their trust in You. Our forever home.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen