Good Actions

Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.  James 4:17 KJV 

Our actions determine our outcomes in life. 

From an early age, knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, acceptable and not acceptable are things we have all been taught.

These are the things the Lord wants us to think about.

Be it what we speak, think or take actions on.

He has instructed us on them all.

Instructions that warn us we should do things according to the Word or we are in a sinful state.

A foolish and hurtful state that is disappointing and destructive.

That good intentions do no good if we don’t carry them out.

We should be praying and focusing our attention on doing good.

They are the actions that help keep us from any evil or improper behavior.

Prayer and our focus on the Word help keep us on the right track.

Giving us the consciousness to do what is the good, proper and perfect will of the Lord.


Lord, we know our good should always outway our bad. Help us to examine ourselves, seek Your Word and not to omit prayer from our daily routine. Ways of helping us to focus on doing good in everything we do.  Allowing us to continue to do good according to the Word. Thank You Saviour.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen