Great Riches Always to be Found in His Commandments

Read: Psalms 119:124-136

Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold. Psalms 119:127 KJV

I read a devotional about an elderly woman in Scotland who was living in poverty.

Her son had left to live in America and had not returned to visit.

One of her friends stopped by to check on her and inquired as to whether or not she had spoken with her son.

She told him that he had not, but that he had sent her some long, nice letters with some interesting pictures.

The friend started to say some things about the son, but instead asked if she still had the letters and could he see the pictures.

As it turned out, the pictures were actually sizeable banknotes.

A “banknote” is one that constitutes a central bank’s promissory note to pay a stated sum to the bearer on demand.

Through the years this elderly woman had been needlessly living in poverty.

She did not realize that her son was giving her what was needed to supply her needs.

When it comes to our spiritual lives, the same can hold true.

We are living beneath our means.

The Father has given each of us a “banknote.”

One that “shall supply all [our] need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:19 KJV.

We fail to see that the Lord has given us unlimited wealth through the Word.

The psalmist even said, “Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold” (Psalms 119:127 KJV).

He believed the Word of God’s righteousness.

He knew that without the Word, there was no other salvation. secured.

He knew that no matter his situation if he kept his hands in God’s hands, he would be all right.

When we fail to read and study the Scriptures, we miss cashing in on treasures.

The many blessings that the Father has in store for each of us.

The choice is ours.

We can choose to neglect His Word, or we can appreciate its riches.

Our true wealth is found by studying the Bible and letting the Holly Spirit teach us.

The wisdom and knowledge we receive will delight our hearts.

It will stimulate our minds and strengthen our lives.

Nothing can ever compare to the treasures of the Word of God.

We cannot go wrong when we put our trust in Him.

He supplies the banknote that continues to bless us.


Father, we know that we deserve no favor from You. That the way of sin is a false way. That it goes against all that You have told us. Knowing that Your ways are always right. We are to turn from our sinful ways and be reconciled to You. To daily read the Word. There are treasures in the Word that are great beyond compare. It is up to us to seek them out. We are blessed. Thank You for supplying us with what we need.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen